政府擬明年強制踩單車戴頭盔 違者罰二千

The government plans to make it compulsory to wear helmets when riding bicycles next year. Violators will be fined NT$2,000.

It rained continuously, but when the sun came out in the shower, the editor immediately got out of the car and rode around the Sheung Shui area. During the ride, the roadside may still be slippery. I saw some riders riding their bikes, but fortunately they were wearing helmets for protection. The helmet was blown apart, and only my hands and feet were injured. There was no accident. The editor must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. I once tried riding on the road and broke a bone in my wrist, but I was fine.

The government plans to amend the regulations next year to make it compulsory to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Violators may be fined NT$2,000.

The Transport and Logistics Bureau has just submitted a document to the Legislative Council, mentioning that all cyclists, tricycles and multi-wheelers and passengers must wear compliant helmets. Violators may be fined NT$ 2,000 . The relevant regulations apply to all age groups, Roads and cycle paths, etc., as well as all types of bicycles. The authorities are expected to submit relevant legislative amendment proposals to the Legislative Council next year.

Legislation or not, wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle will keep you safe.

In terms of helmet specifications, the authorities recommend issuing and updating bicycle helmet standards through the Transport Department's "Cycling Information Center" website. Motor tricycles and motorcycle sidecars use the helmet standards applicable to motorcycles under current legislation.

When the sun came out during the heavy rain, I put on my helmet and immediately went out for a ride on the water.

The new generation of bicycle helmets incorporates Mips or WaveCel to enhance safety designs to effectively protect intracranial brain tissue. In fact, regardless of whether it is legislated or not, I must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle; among the five treasures of cycling safety, a helmet is the first.

The new generation of bicycle helmets incorporates the Mips multi-directional impact system design to effectively protect intracranial brain tissue.

Written / Photographed by: Louis Choi

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