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!Happy Halloween!萬聖節特別優惠黎啦🎃

!Happy Halloween!萬聖節特別優惠黎啦🎃

優惠期至:2023/11/6 祝大家萬聖節快樂!! Tern Link B8 20” 特價:$3680 原價:$4280 Tern Verge N8 20“ 特價:$6388 原價:$6980 OGK KABUTO FM-X HELMET 特價:$430 原價:$538 OGK KABUTO BRIGHT-J1 特價:$450 原價:$568  Topeak RACEROCKET迷你打氣手泵      連結如下   ...

!Happy Halloween!萬聖節特別優惠黎啦🎃

優惠期至:2023/11/6 祝大家萬聖節快樂!! Tern Link B8 20” 特價:$3680 原價:$4280 Tern Verge N8 20“ 特價:$6388 原價:$6980 OGK KABUTO FM-X HELMET 特價:$430 原價:$538 OGK KABUTO BRIGHT-J1 特價:$450 原價:$568  Topeak RACEROCKET迷你打氣手泵      連結如下   ...

秋意漸濃  騎Tern入山林嘆茶

The autumn mood is getting stronger, riding Ter...

Autumn is getting stronger Riding Tern into the mountains and enjoying tea In late October , the autumn mood is getting stronger, so I ride Tern into the mountains and...

The autumn mood is getting stronger, riding Ter...

Autumn is getting stronger Riding Tern into the mountains and enjoying tea In late October , the autumn mood is getting stronger, so I ride Tern into the mountains and...


Ride a Tern and roam the lotus pond in Xintian ...

Ride a Tern and roam the lotus pond in Xintian to enjoy the flowers The windlass is on a rural road in Xintian. Summer is here, and hibiscus flowers are...

Ride a Tern and roam the lotus pond in Xintian ...

Ride a Tern and roam the lotus pond in Xintian to enjoy the flowers The windlass is on a rural road in Xintian. Summer is here, and hibiscus flowers are...


Ride TERN to roam the waves of Fanling Baimao B...

Ride a Tern Eclipse D16 into Ping Yeung Estate in Fanling to enjoy the view of the White Mao sea. The fluttering white grass and rolling waves of Ping Yeung...

Ride TERN to roam the waves of Fanling Baimao B...

Ride a Tern Eclipse D16 into Ping Yeung Estate in Fanling to enjoy the view of the White Mao sea. The fluttering white grass and rolling waves of Ping Yeung...


[The importance of helmets] 7 key points and di...

There are so many types of helmets on the market, with prices ranging from a hundred yuan to a thousand yuan. So what are the main differences? 【Texture】——High density Helmets...

[The importance of helmets] 7 key points and di...

There are so many types of helmets on the market, with prices ranging from a hundred yuan to a thousand yuan. So what are the main differences? 【Texture】——High density Helmets...

【頭盔的重要性】單車意外去年近3000宗創新高 運房局研立法強制佩戴頭盔

[Importance of Helmets] Nearly 3,000 bicycle ac...

Nearly 3,000 bicycle accidents occurred last year, record high. Transportation and Housing Bureau develops legislation to make helmets mandatory With citizens unable to travel due to the epidemic, cycling has...

[Importance of Helmets] Nearly 3,000 bicycle ac...

Nearly 3,000 bicycle accidents occurred last year, record high. Transportation and Housing Bureau develops legislation to make helmets mandatory With citizens unable to travel due to the epidemic, cycling has...