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又到聖誕~又到聖誕~一年年尾又聖誕! 今年聖誕終於可以除下口罩,呼吸新鮮空氣,露出笑容咁同家人好友們歡度聖誕啦!普天同慶既日子又點少得我地既聖誕優惠呢! 當然要係歡喜既假日出去踩下車打下卡啦! 折扣優惠: - Giro 單車鞋 —— 全部68折 - Bontrager 包頭布 —— 全部85折 - Super B —— 全線85折 - Royal Baby —— 全線85折 精選產品優惠: - MKS BM-7 鋁合金大芯腳踏 ——...


又到聖誕~又到聖誕~一年年尾又聖誕! 今年聖誕終於可以除下口罩,呼吸新鮮空氣,露出笑容咁同家人好友們歡度聖誕啦!普天同慶既日子又點少得我地既聖誕優惠呢! 當然要係歡喜既假日出去踩下車打下卡啦! 折扣優惠: - Giro 單車鞋 —— 全部68折 - Bontrager 包頭布 —— 全部85折 - Super B —— 全線85折 - Royal Baby —— 全線85折 精選產品優惠: - MKS BM-7 鋁合金大芯腳踏 ——...

Tern秋遊 與神相遇道風山

Tern Autumn Outing and Encounter with God at Da...

Ride the Tern Verge XII to the top of Tao Fong Shan Christian Jungle. Autumn is coming, so I took advantage of the wind and rode the Tern Verge XII...

Tern Autumn Outing and Encounter with God at Da...

Ride the Tern Verge XII to the top of Tao Fong Shan Christian Jungle. Autumn is coming, so I took advantage of the wind and rode the Tern Verge XII...

騎小摺Tern登大帽山野餐 配上HEXA.GO車袋型爆

Riding a small folding Tern to climb Tai Mo Sha...

Autumn is coming and going. I took advantage of the early autumn wind to ride the Tern Verge X11 for the first time and successfully climbed Tai Mo Shan, the...

Riding a small folding Tern to climb Tai Mo Sha...

Autumn is coming and going. I took advantage of the early autumn wind to ride the Tern Verge X11 for the first time and successfully climbed Tai Mo Shan, the...

Tern遊馬草壟魚塘  尋找消失中志記鎅木廠

Ternyoumacaolong fish pond looking for the miss...

Ternyoumacaolong fish pond Searching for the missing Zhongzhiji Wood Factory Two wheeled bicycles cruise to the border of Shuimacaolong, and climb to the Dengmaijingtao bunker to enjoy the scenery of...

Ternyoumacaolong fish pond looking for the miss...

Ternyoumacaolong fish pond Searching for the missing Zhongzhiji Wood Factory Two wheeled bicycles cruise to the border of Shuimacaolong, and climb to the Dengmaijingtao bunker to enjoy the scenery of...

騎Tern登臨落馬洲花園 盡覽兩地風光

Ride Tern to Lok Ma Chau Garden to enjoy the sc...

Riding Tern to the Lok Ma Chau Garden, formerly known as Lok Ma Chau Terrace, is full of memories. The weather is clear and it's time for outdoor outings. The...

Ride Tern to Lok Ma Chau Garden to enjoy the sc...

Riding Tern to the Lok Ma Chau Garden, formerly known as Lok Ma Chau Terrace, is full of memories. The weather is clear and it's time for outdoor outings. The...

【全球最貴單車排行榜】可怕的蝴蝶Trek Madone 價值390萬?!

[List of the world’s most expensive bicycles] T...

Have you ever thought that the price of a bicycle is enough to buy a Rolls-Royce!? 1. Butterfly Trek Madone (HKD3.9 million) The Butterfly Trek Madone is undoubtedly the most...

[List of the world’s most expensive bicycles] T...

Have you ever thought that the price of a bicycle is enough to buy a Rolls-Royce!? 1. Butterfly Trek Madone (HKD3.9 million) The Butterfly Trek Madone is undoubtedly the most...