"Thieves of Time" best actor Simon Yam's new look discount

Travel through the centuries-old historical sites of Heshang Township

Best actor Simon Yam (middle), fully armed, rides around the century-old historic site Sheung Shui Heshang Township.

As social distance is further relaxed, masks can finally be removed for outdoor exercise, breathing fresh rural air, and you can feel the cool breeze while riding a bicycle. Film actor Simon Yam, who loves cycling, showed off his new cycling equipment, including helmets, cycling clothes, sunglasses, and top-notch American Tern bags. He followed the editor through the centuries-old temples and monuments in Sheung Shui Heung Heung. I have gone through a period of time where not even the best thief can steal it away. When I get tired of riding, I take a sip of authentic tofu pudding and feel refreshed.

Brother Hua puts on the KPLUS META helmet and Tern’s black flagship Verge X11, which makes him look stylish and impressive.

The editor met the actor Simon Yam of "The Thieves" earlier while riding a bicycle, and embarked on a fateful bicycle trip. This time, we made an appointment to ride on the water and river to the countryside to experience the rural monuments that have been frozen for hundreds of years. Brother Hua appeared in the latest uniform and was the first to wear the KPLUS META helmet that has not yet been released to the public. The Iron Man exudes a strong atmosphere of epoch-making cutting-edge technology. It is paired with the black flagship Verge X11 of the American brand Tern. It is stylish and imposing. people.

We became acquainted with bicycles. The editor led the way and Hua Ge rode on the Heshang Township.

Brother Hua, who was prepared for the race, said that this time he specially wore cycling pants with soft pads inside, so he would not feel any pain after long-term riding. He also wore the latest cycling sunglasses and cycling gloves, which were very professional.

A cycling tour of Heshang Township that brings back 600 years of history

The editor led the way and set off from the starting point of the Sheung Shui Cycling Trail Beas River. We rode for about 20 minutes to reach Ho Sheung Township and embarked on a tour of historical sites. Ho Sheung Township is named after the Beas River. The Hou clan from the New Territories has lived here for 600 years.

Couplet in front of the door, promotion of official rank

The Jushi Hougong Temple in front of the village is one of the landmark buildings in Heshang Township. It has a history of 300 years and is listed as a statutory historic site and open to visitors. The Gongci is the ancestral temple of the Hou clan and is the ancestral shrine dedicated to the ancestors of past dynasties. At that time, Hou Wulang, a Jinshi of the Song Dynasty, traveled here from Panyu and settled down in the feng shui blessed land. The ancestral hall was designed with three sections and two courtyards, and the latter section was used as a village school. Of course, Brother Hua didn’t miss the opportunity to check in at the door to receive promotions and titles as a souvenir!

It has a history of 300 years and resides in the Shihou Gong Temple. The inscription in front of the door is "Advanced Officer and Noble".

Hung Shing Ancient Temple ( left ) and Paifeng Ancient Temple are both classified as Grade III historical buildings.

Check-in hotspot Kowloon map

The road is too slow and the car is too fast, so cycling is just right. The editor and Hua Ge rode for two or three minutes to reach the neighboring monuments Hong Sheng Ancient Temple and Paifeng Ancient Temple, both of which are listed as third-level historical buildings. The year of construction is difficult to determine, but it is estimated to have been built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The most popular check-in spots are the murals like the Nine Dragons between the two temples. Brother Hua took the photo in the middle, cool!

Of course, Brother Hua took photos of the hot spot Kowloon between the two temples.

The two rollers rode for most of the day, bathing in the pastoral countryside, breathing in the sunshine and air, and passing through the century-old historical sites of Shenling; everyone went to the tofu shop next to it, drank a sip of authentic soy milk, and spent a leisurely trip at a low cost, but A very rewarding bike trip!

It is most convenient to swim on the water by riding two reels.

Photos and text: Louis Choi

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