About Trek Maintenance Notes關於Trek保養注意事項
如你有保修要求,請聯繫Trek Hong Kong 或我們的各大經銷商,並提供購買產品的發票以申請保修。
- 所有 2020 年及以後的型號
- 2019 年 8 月 1 日後購買的零件和配件。
甲、 終身
- 車架和硬前叉、主車架、全避震搖臂,終身為一手買家作出保修。
- Bontrager 碳纖維輪組
乙、 2 年
- 零件及配件
- 後避震連杆組件,包括軸承、搖杆和隨附的五金配接和組件
- Bontrager 鋁合金輪組
- 拉花、塗裝與貼標
丙、 二手用家
- 單車/車架轉手後,二手用家以至其後的車主,仍可受由第一手買家從Trek Hong Kong或其經銷商購車日計起的三年內享受保修。必須提供原始購買收據以申請保修。
丁、 我們的保修並不涵蓋︰
- 正常磨損和破損
- 組裝不當
- 腐蝕
- 維護不當
- 所安裝的各類零、部件和原意非用於 / 非適用於所出售的單車或車架或產品
- 因事故、誤用、濫用或疏忽導致的損壞或故障
- 用於零、部件更換或改裝的人工費用
- 非Trek生產、專用產品均歸屬原始製造商的保修範圍
- 客人需承擔因保養而產生的附帶費用
此保修明確由Trek Hong Kong 決定維修或更換有缺陷的零、部件。此保修自原始購買日起生效。
除非法律另行規定,否則 Trek不承擔任何意外或間接損失責任。
上文未明確包括的所有其他產品,可能適用於 2012-2019 年 Trek Care 有限保修。
Trek Care/Bontrager 有限保修 2012-2019
聯繫 Trek Hong Kong 或經銷商,必須提供購買發票以進行保修申請。
甲、 終身
- 對原車主的車架進行終身保修。其他情況如下︰
乙、 5年
- 所有全避震單車的搖臂(Session、Scratch 與 Slash 的搖臂除外)
丙、 3年
- Session、Scratch、Slash 與 Ticket 車型的鋁合金車架和搖臂
丁、 2年
- 煞車、車籃、碼錶、擋泥板、車把、鎖、氣筒、後貨架、維修工作枱、硬叉、座位、座桿、龍頭、工具、水壺架和輪組。
- Session和Slash車系的碳纖維車架和搖臂
- 所有後避震連杆組件,包括軸承、搖杆和配件
- 所有原裝 Bontrager 前叉、零部件(消耗性零部件除外,如輪胎和內胎)
戊、 1 年
- 拉花、塗裝與貼標
己、 本保修條款不涵蓋:
- 正常磨損和破損
- 組裝不當
- 後續維護不當
- 所安裝的元件、部件、或配件原本並非用於所出售的單車或與之不相容
- 因事故、誤用、濫用或疏忽導致的損壞或故障
- 用於部件更換或改造的人工費
- 用於商業活動的單車,包括用於租賃、演示或保安車隊的單車
- 因保養而產生的附帶費用
本保修條款適用於 2011 車型及更新的單車,且僅涉及 Trek 及 Bontrager 品牌的產品。
有關 2010 或較老車型的保修資訊,您可以查閱車主指南、聯繫我們或聯繫授權經銷商獲取保修條款與資料。
本保修條款自購買之日起生效,僅適用於原零售購買者,且不得轉讓。本保修條款僅適用於通過授權經銷商或分銷商購買的 Trek 單車。Trek Bicycle Corporation 概不負責事故性或間接損害。
必須提供購買憑證。在處理保修索賠前,該單車必須在 Trek Bicycle Corporation 進行註冊。
Carbon Care保障
甲、 終身保修
乙、 首2年
每一對Bontrager碳纖維輪組都由Carbon Care Wheel Loyalty Programme保護,讓你在頭兩年內遇到輪組損壞(不論原因),我們會按情況幫你提供免費維修或更換。
丙、 2年之後
只要你是Bontrager 碳纖維輪組的第一手購買者,如在第二年之後不幸的遇上Bontrager碳纖維輪組損壞,我們會為你提供大大的優惠折扣。
Carbon Care Wheel Loyalty Programme的維修和更換,必須由Trek授權零售商進行。維修價格和免費更換不包括往返Bontrager車輪服務中心的運費。請與Trek Hong Kong聯繫。
Trek/Bontrager/Electra/Diamant Limited Warranty
We've Got You Covered
We provide a warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for all original equipment and aftermarket products, as specified below.
First Things First
Contact an authorized retailer or distributor to initiate a warranty claim. Proof of purchase is required.
Framesets (frame and rigid fork), main frame, and full suspension swing arms for the lifetime of the original owner
Bontrager wheels with carbon rims
2 Years
Parts and accessories
Rear suspension linkage components, including bearings, rocker link, and accompanying hardware and components
Bontrager wheels with alloy rims
Paint and decals
Subsequent Ownership
Subsequent owners (second or later) are entitled to a three-year warranty from the date of original purchase from the retailer. Proof of original purchase is required to validate the coverage period.
This Warranty Does Not Cover
Normal wear and tear
Improper assembly
Improper maintenance
Installation of components, parts, or accessories not originally intended for or compatible with the bicycle as sold
Damage or failure due to accident, misuse, abuse, or neglect
Labor charges for part replacement or changeover
Non-proprietary products (any other original part or component) covered by the original manufacturer’s warranty
This warranty applies to:
• All model year 2020 and newer bicycles
• Parts and accessories purchased after August 1, 2019.
Any products not specifically included above are omitted, but may be included in the 2012-2019 Trek Care Limited Warranty.
This warranty is void in its entirety by any modification of the frame, fork, or components. This warranty is expressly limited to the repair or replacement of a defective item at the manufacturer’s discretion. This warranty extends from the original date of purchase. Trek and Electra are not responsible for incidental or consequential damages unless prohibited by state law. Claims made outside the country of original purchase may be subject to fees and additional restrictions. Warranty duration and detail may vary by country. The English version of the warranty shall prevail.
Trek Carbon Care
Sometimes accidents happen. We know how much you love your Trek bike, and understand the burden of having to replace a non-warranty damaged bike frame or part. That's why we provide the Trek Carbon Care Program. This program can be used to obtain a discount on a replacement frame or component in the case of non-warranty damage.
Trek Care/Bontrager Limited Warranty 2012-2019
Frames for the lifetime of the original owner (see exceptions below)
5 years
Swing arms on all full suspension bicycles (except the Session, Scratch, and Slash swing arms)
3 years
Session, Scratch, Slash and Ticket aluminum frames and swing arms
2 years
Brakes, baskets, computers, fenders, handlebars, locks, pumps, rear racks, repair stands, rigid forks, saddles, seatposts, stems, tools, water bottle cages and wheels.
Session and Slash carbon frames and swing arms
All rear suspension linkage components, including bearings, rocker link, and hardware
electric bike motor, controller, and battery pack (2 years or 600 charges, whichever comes first)
All original Bontrager forks, parts, and components (except consumables such as tires and tubes)
1 year
Apparel, bags, bar tape, gloves, grips, helmets, lights (excluding bulbs and batteries), rims, shoes, tires and tubes.
Paint and decals
Normal wear and tear
Improper assembly
Improper follow-up maintenance
Installation of components, parts, or accessories not originally intended for or compatible with the bicycle as sold
Damage or failure due to accident, misuse, abuse, or neglect
Labor charges for part replacement or changeover
Bikes used for commercial activities, including those in rental, demo, or security fleets
This warranty applies to 2011 model and newer bicycles and covers only Trek and Bontrager branded products. Any other original part or component shall be covered by the stated warranty of the original manufacturer. Any products not specifically included above are hereby omitted.
For a 2010 or older model bicycle, please consult your owner’s manual or contact us or an authorized dealer for the applicable warranty.
This warranty is void in its entirety by any modification of the frame, fork, or components. This warranty is expressly limited to the repair or replacement of a defective item, and said repair or replacement is the sole remedy of the warranty. This warranty extends from the date of purchase, is offered only to the original retail purchaser, and is not transferable.
This warranty applies only to Trek bicycles purchased through an authorized dealer or distributor. Trek Bicycle Corporation is not responsible for incidental or consequential damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. Any claim against this warranty must be made through an authorized dealer or distributor.
Proof of purchase is required. A bicycle must be registered with Trek Bicycle Corporation before a warranty claim may be processed.
Claims made outside the country of purchase may be subject to fees and additional restrictions.
Warranty duration and detail may differ by frame type and/or by country. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and those rights may vary from place to place.
This warranty does not affect your statutory rights. The English version of the warranty shall prevail.
For products purchased before 2012, please contact us directly for warranty coverage.
In the case of any dispute, the decision of TheBicycleshophk shall be final.